Managed Co-location: What are the Benefits?

June 24, 2011

As your business grows there comes a time when the basic infrastructure you started with needs to be upgraded. This is specially true of businesses that manage big amounts of web traffic, either in the form of e-mails, messenger services, printing and file-sharing servers or websites whose number of visitors are above the 5-digit mark. Of course...

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Advantages of a Virtual Private Server

March 12, 2011

A question often asked by RackNine’s clients is what are the differences between Dedicated Servers, Virtual Private Servers and Shared Web Hosting. In this article we will focus on the advantages of a Virtual Private Server, as the perfect solution between the exclusive services provided by Dedicated Servers and those of the highly popular...

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Choosing a Reliable Web Host is the Key to Success

February 16, 2011

As far as the Internet is concerned, websites are the front display for anything that involves internet businesses, entertainment and communications. But, do people really know how to make effective sites that could stand out among the rest? The main purpose of Web hosting is to make a website reachable through the web. However,...

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Black Hat SEO, is it Worth It?

December 28, 2010

If you have worked on anything related to Internet marketing, you surely must have come across requests of the kind: “Get my website high on the first page of the search results, I don’t care how you do it”, followed by a wink-wink and possibly a reference to Black Hat SEO. Now, if you...

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