The Future of 4G

December 11, 2010

4G, the fourth generation of mobile networks that will supersede the 3G and 2G families of standards, is already upon us. A new mobile generation has appeared every 10th year since the first 1G system was first introduced in 1981, followed by the 2G system that started to roll out in 1992, and 3G,...

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How to create Mobile Websites

December 6, 2010

It’s a Mobile World, no doubt about it, and every second that passes by even more, with over a thousand more mobile phone users being added to the global community per minute. Mobile Web access has been accelerating since 2007 with the advent of multi-touch smartphones, and more recently since 2010, with the emergence...

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It’s a Mobile World

November 13, 2010

According to the International Telecommunications Union, by the end of 2010 there will be an estimated 5,3 billion mobile cellular subscriptions worldwide, including 940 million subscriptions to 3G services. If we compare those figures with those from just over 10 years ago in 1998, when more than half the world’s population had never made...

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Brave New Code

November 4, 2010

BraveNewCode Inc. is run by two Canadian gentlemen, who define themselves as “not only good looking folks, but with skills and abilities too”. However, do not allow yourself to be misguided by the sight of their pictures. They actually do have skills and abilities, apart from a great sense of humor. What began in...

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